idle hands
The Potion Maker |
Sceleriumium is a translucent, crumbly scarlet powder drawn from the sap of the deadly nightshade. |
Yet another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern |

Your scent is... Pherose by Realm. A soft scent
that is extremely powerful. You may look like
just another outcast but you are creative and
intelligent. Those who truely know you, love
you and those who don't know you think you're
just a freak or that person they've met before.
You don't like to let many people in but the
few you do are highly privileged. Please rate
What scent are you?
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Sad... You use the darkness to hide yourself from
the world. Something has really hurt you,
which made you turn dark. Darkness makes you
feel safe and that is why you stay there.
What kind of dark person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Your an Outcast Angel! These angels were once upon
a time, very loved, and of the highest ranks of
all the angels. But, when something terrible
happened in their lives, much like the
dark-angels, the outcasts leave the heavens and
move down to earth. Outcast angels are not
necessarily evil. In fact, they are quite kind,
but filled with unimaginable grief and guilt .
Outcast angels are usually formed when they
have failed something, and ridden with guilt,
they are banned from heaven, sent down to
earth to live alone. They are always quiet
and sad, and rarely contact with humans. If a
human befriends an outcast angel, they have a
friend for life.
What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures!
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?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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Heaven screwed you over, and you want revenge. Because of your disconnection with the holy realm, you're forced to wander Earth. The crimson vampires can't touch your tainted blood, and the psychic vampires don't want to risk confronting an ex-angel. Your strongest opponent may be the maddening thoughts that drive your rage. You're a solitary creature.

You are a Slytherin!
What House are you at Hogwarts? Harry Potter!
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Draco Malfoy!!!! You are popular and mean. You are smart in class
but not the smartest. You are very athletic and
wish you had more friends than you do. You are
mean and love it, you feel it gives you more
Which Harry Potter Character are you?
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You're Diet Coke!
What Soft Drink Are You?
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Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey